'''mandel v 3.0 ''Carsten ''based on ''>mandel v 2.0 ''>#jfox@airmail.net st=TIMER CLS maxcolor=16 leftside=-2 top=1.25 xside=2.5 yside=-2.5 xscale=xside/xmax yscale=yside/ymax FOR y=1 to ymax/2 mc=0 mx=1 FOR x=1 to xmax cx=x*xscale+leftside cy=y*yscale+top zx=0 zy=0 zxx=0 zyy=0 colorcounter=0 WHILE (zxx+zyy<4 and colorcountermc OR x=xmax) hy=ymax-y LINE mx,y,x,y color mc LINE mx,hy,x,hy color mc mc=colorcounter mx=x FI NEXT NEXT et=TIMER BEEP PEN ON REPEAT:UNTIL PEN(0) PEN OFF ?"Runtime ";et-st'